Inclement Weather Guidelines

Inclement Weather Guidelines & Emergency Closings
Avoca’s goal is always to keep schools open. We do not want students to miss valuable learning time, so we will do everything possible to keep classes in session as long as it is safe for students and staff.

School buildings may be closed due to weather or other emergency conditions that make their operation unsafe. All District 37 buildings may be closed, or individual facilities may need to close. When buildings are closed, all after-school activities, student events, athletic events and practices, and field trips will be canceled unless specifically announced.

Making the Decision
During inclement weather or in emergency situations, our top priority is the safety and welfare of our students and staff. We also understand school closings can burden families due to childcare and work schedules. We consider closing school buildings to be an exception; we place a strong emphasis on keeping buildings open.

Some of the primary factors that are considered when making a decision include:

• The safety and well-being of students and staff
• The severity of the weather (extreme heat/cold, excessive snow, flooding, etc.)
• Timing of the weather events
• The ability of buses and cars to travel safely
• The operable condition of our buildings
• Air quality during periods of extreme heat
• There is no specific temperature that triggers a building closure or e-Learning.

Parents who feel it is unsafe for their child to attend can report an absence to the school’s attendance office. Thank you in advance for respecting the administration's decision, made after carefully weighing various factors and considering what is in the best interest of the majority of our stakeholders. We also respect and appreciate parents' decisions to report their child's absence when necessary.

The Superintendent, in collaboration with district leaders, area superintendents, local authorities, transportation providers, and the Illinois Department of Transportation, makes closure decisions.

Emergency Notification Procedures
An emergency notification will be issued by school officials as soon as reasonably necessary and without delay to communicate when:

• school will be canceled*; or
• there will be a delayed start or change to dismissal time; or,
• there is a disruption of the school day, such as a lockdown or safety incident.

Avoca District 37 will be open and operate on a normal school day schedule unless an emergency notification is issued through the school notification system.

Notifications are sent to parents/guardians and staff via BrightArrow (automated calls, emails, and texts). Please take these steps to ensure your contact information is current and you are opted in. We strongly recommend selecting all three options for delivery (voice, text, and email).

Updates will also be posted on:
• District homepage
• Social media: Facebook and Instagram
• The Emergency Closings Center
• Local news outlets, including major radio and TV sources

E-Learning Option
As an alternative to canceling school, the District may choose to enact an E-Learning Day. This means that teaching and learning will occur virtually, and school buildings will remain closed. You can find information and e-learning plans for your student(s) here.

Inclement Weather Procedures (when school is in session)
When conditions do not meet the extreme cold or heat warning criteria but cause significant inconvenience, the district may implement a late start or early dismissal. Specific details, including the adjusted start or dismissal times and any changes to transportation schedules, will be communicated promptly through the district's official communication channels. You can find Avoca’s Excessive Heat Procedures here.

Outdoor recess is an important part of the day, even in chilly weather. Students will go outside if the "real feel" temperature is 10°F or above unless conditions like excessive ice make it unsafe. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately to stay safe and comfortable outdoors, especially during the colder months. Students are allowed to enter school before the normal entry time whenever the weather is inclement, such as in times of rain or snow storms.