Mrs. Isherwood
EL Teacher
[email protected]|847-724-6800
Available: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Hello! Welcome to my webpage! I have been teaching English Learners (EL) at Avoca West for the last 6 years. Prior to coming to Avoca West, I taught 2nd and 3rd grade dual language students in Barrington. As an English Learner myself, I am passionate and committed to our EL students' success. EL teachers at Avoca West help students access classroom curriculum through a combination of classroom support and small group lessons.
Philosophy of Education
I believe that all students come from unique backgrounds that should be incorporated and valued at school. Being multilingual is a gift that should be celebrated! I strive for students to feel safe and comfortable, so they are able to take the necessary learning risks to grow as learners and people.