Assessments & Grading



Assignments may be given point values, a percentage grade, or a letter grade, depending upon what makes sense for the nature of the assignment. Points may be lost for late work or poor effort.  Grades will appear in PowerSchool and may be viewed at any time.

Grading Rubric

Quarter and semester grades are divided into four categories and are weighted in the following way:   

Participation   30%
Acting Work/Project Work  30%
Quizzes/Tests  20%
Classwork/Homework  20%

Semester grades represent the cumulative work done throughout the semester, NOT an average of the two quarter grades.   The final semester grade, at teacher discretion, can be raised or lowered due to: the quality of improvement that was displayed, the quality of a student's daily work ethic, the student's commitment to the Safe Zone, and student willingness to follow both written and verbal directions.