Grading Policies, Assessment & Support

Grading Policies:
A: 90%-100% 
B: 80%-89% 
C: 70%-79% 
D: 60%-69% 
F: 59% & below 

Semester Grades are an average of the two quarter grades for that semester.

Grades for assignments are posted in PowerSchool as soon as they are graded. Larger unit tests will take longer to grade.

These scores in PowerSchool are the most reflective of a student's mathematical understandings.

Two to three times a week you will receive a short entrance ticket upon entering the classroom.  The question on the entrance ticket will be similar to one of the homework problems you completed the previous night, or it may be a topic previously learned.  You will complete the entrance ticket without help from your peers.  This will allow me to see how well you understand the concepts we are learning in class.

We will have a team test and an individual test for each unit.  Team tests act as unit closure and are a great way to help review for the individual test.  About half of the individual test is comprised of material from the current unit (the formative portion of the test) and the remaining half is comprised of material from prior units (the summative portion).  This allows you to further practice your math skills as they continue to develop and to achieve mastery over time.  If you have questions on the homework or on entrance tickets, be sure to ask them when they arise so that any confusion is cleared up prior to the unit test.  

My goal is for you to understand the concepts we discuss in class.  If you earn less than 70% on a test, you are required to successfully complete corrections on the questions you miss in order to bring your test grade up to a maximum of 70%.  As a homework assignment, all students are required to successfully complete corrections on missed test questions. You will need to personally check in your test corrections with Mrs. Rachmiel.

Using data such as entrance tickets, observation, team quizzes and test questions small groups are formed to provide reteaching or extra practice.