Open Gym Days and Hours

Tuesday, October 17 @ 7:00AM
Tuesday, October 24 @ 7:00AM
Tuesday, October 31 @ 7:00AM
Tuesday, Nov 7 @ 7:00AM
Tuesday, Nov 14 @ 7:00AM
Tuesday, Nov 28 @ 7:00AM
Tuesday, Dec 5 @ 7:00AM
Tuesday, Dec 12 @ 7:00AM
Tuesday, Dec 19 @ 7:00AM
Remember, there are no tryouts or cuts in intramurals, and you do not need an athletic permit. Everybody is invited to participate. This year’s activities will likely include flag football, floor hockey, badminton, tennis, bowling, and softball. There will be a sign-up sheet in the gym for each activity. Round robin and elimination tournaments will add extra fun an excitement. In the elimination tournaments there will be consolation games as well. Boys and girls will play an equal number of games. I will make every effort to balance the teams to ensure good competition.
All other activity dates will be posted at a later time. You only have to sign up for the activities in which you want to participate.
Mr. Henley, Intramural Coordinator