
Link to view 2021-22 ACP

The Avoca Community Preschool Program follows national early learning standards involving a multi-sensory approach that focuses on social-emotional skills, self-help skills, thinking skills, and speech/language skills. As your child practices how to regulate their own thinking and behavior (which are developing rapidly in preschool), critical skills will be learned to facilitate a smooth transition into Kindergarten.

The District 37 goal to "Inspire Curiosity, Cultivate Academic Growth and Nurture Diversity" is realized by creating an inclusive environment where all different types of learners are welcome. It provides a diverse stimulating environment in which all children thrive. This program provides peer models, develops leadership skills, affirms individuality while enhancing self-respect, teaches socialization and collaborative skills, and builds supportiveness in an environment that promotes the rights of all.

Avoca Community Preschool is committed to providing individualized instruction which addresses the needs of each child in its program. Early identification of children’s needs allows for necessary supports to be provided at the preschool level. We find that children are more willing to accept support at a time when they are first developing the skill, and this can prevent the need for services when they are older. Consultants may observe in the classroom to identify children who may benefit from additional services.