We use nationally normed assessments to measure student progress three times a year. They are:
Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) - Reading and Math
AimsWeb Oral Reading Fluency, Vocabulary, and Reading Comprehension
Panorama, SEL
Grading System
Daily work is looked at and marked complete with a star or smiley face. I am looking to informally see what students can do and where my teaching should go next.
Some work will be marked by me using the following system:
√+ = This work exceeds grade level expectations for this student
√ = This work meets grade level expectations for this student
√- = This work does not meet grade level expectations for this student
Work that receives a “√-” typically will be reviewed and corrected at school with me or, if necessary at home.
Summative (final) assessments: The rubric found on the district report card is used to give feedback on end of unit assessments or more significant assignments. It does not correspond to letter grades (A, B, etc.).
S = Secure: The student demonstrates mastery of this topic and applies it consistently independently.
D = Developing: The student demonstrates inconsistent mastery of this topic.
B = Beginning: The student demonstrates an introductory level of mastery of this topic.
N/A = Not Assessed