Course Structure & Materials

  • eBook – Core Connections, Course 2 (and Course 3 for periods 1 & 9) 
  • Core Connections Toolkit(s) - provided by Mrs. Hoffmeister
  • Pencils
  • 2-inch three-ring binder with 3-hole punched folders for each class
  • 3-hole punched graph paper notebook
  • Calculator
    • 1st and 9th period: TI-34 Multiview Scientific Calculator 
    • 4th and 6th period:  Texas Instruments TI-108 Basic Calculator – the same calculator used in 6th grade math 
  • Ruler (must have inches on one side and centimeters on the other side) (keep at home)
  • Protractor (keep at home)
  • Compass - 1st and 9th period only (optional)

You should expect to have math homework Monday through Thursday of each week, and occasionally on Fridays.  You will have access to online homework help and an answer key for each CPM assignment.  You will be responsible for setting a timer for 30 minutes and working through the homework problems in order of difficulty (most to least).  After working through each problem, use the answer key to check your homework and make any necessary revisions (in a different color!).  If you miss a problem, try to identify and correct your mistake, using CPM homework help or a friend or family member if needed.  If you still cannot find your error, send me an email, come see me for extra help before first period or at lunch, or make a note to ask your team members for help at the beginning of class the next day.  I will assess daily homework assignments based on completion & work shown.  I will also look to see that you corrected your work using the answer key & re-attempted any missed problems.  


Several times a week you will receive a short DIGI ticket upon entering the classroom.  The questions will be similar to the homework or classwork problems you completed the previous day, or they may be on a topic previously learned.  You will complete the DIGI ticket independently without help from your peers so that we can see how well you understand the concepts we are learning in class.  You have the option to meet with me outside of class to redo DIGI tickets and improve your grade.  You can submit DIGI ticket redos until the end of the unit.


We will likely have a team test for each unit.  Team tests are completed with your group and act as unit closure.  Unit closure will also include review assignments, such as IXL or CPM “closure questions” at the end of each chapter, and projects.  All of these activities are intended to help you connect the concepts you learn in a unit, and to help you review for the individual test. 


About half of each unit's individual test is composed of material from the current unit (the formative portion of the test) and the remaining half is composed of material from prior units (the summative portion).  This allows you to further practice your math skills as they continue to develop and to achieve mastery over time.  If you have questions on the homework or on DIGI tickets, be sure to ask them as they arise throughout the unit!

I expect you to make every effort to complete assignments on time. For each day an assignment is late, your score will drop by one point (10%).  Incomplete assignments are entered in the gradebook as a 5/10 (50%) and will be tagged “missing” in PowerSchool.  You can submit late homework assignments until the end of the unit.
When you are absent, you are responsible for the work that you missed.  If you have a planned absence, please meet with me before first period or at lunch so that we can come up with a plan to keep you caught up.  If you have an unplanned absence, please check the 7th grade homework calendar and complete the homework assigned that day.  Email me if you have any questions during your absence.  You will receive an extension that equals the number of days you were absent plus one day.  You will need to meet with me outside of class to submit absent work.


If you are tardy, please sign the “tardy log” and indicate whether it was excused (you have a pass) or unexcused.  Missing materials that require you to return to your locker are considered unexcused tardies.
3 unexcused tardies = Parent/Caregiver Notification
4 or more unexcused tardies = Meeting with Mrs. Hoffmeister


My goal is for you to understand the concepts we discuss in class.  If you earn less than 70% on a test, you are required to successfully complete corrections in order to bring your test grade up to a maximum of 70%.  As a homework assignment, all students are required to successfully complete corrections.

Our publisher, CPM, offers a resource for parents to help their students at home throughout courses 1-3.  It includes guidance and extra practice.  For parents interested in purchasing a copy of the CPM Parent Guide, please click here.  The parent guide can also be downloaded through each student's eBook.