Board Committees

Finance Committee: Dr. Ami Desai Das, Gil Gibori, and Dan Seals 
This committee meets monthly and reviews items presented by the Chief School Business Official and or requested by committee members. Typical issues reviewed and discussed include but are not limited to: Quarterly Financial Updates (Cash Flow, Revenue, Expenditures, Fund Balances); Financial Projections; Capital project plans, projections, bids; Food service revenue, expenditures, vendor agreements; School fees.

Policy: Dr. Ami Desai Das and Gil Gibori 
This committee convenes to review policies based on IASB’s Policy Reference Education Subscription Service (PRESS) updates. These meetings are held via ZOOM. 

Benefits: Dorothy Elfring and Peter Yuh 
This meeting is convened quarterly and chaired by the Chief School Business Official. The Committee reviews benefits packages available to employees, and expenditures on the benefit plans, and recommends adoption of or discontinuance of certain benefit vendors and /or packages. Benefits must be legally and contractually compliant.

Wilmette Community Special Education Agreement (WCSEA): Dr. Yoav Sharon
This is a shared services agreement that allows Avoca to access some Wilmette 39 special education services more easily and has Wilmette 39 servicing some aspects of Avoca’s IDEA grant accounting. All monies that flow through as a result of this agreement are from existing grant funds. This body has no revenue-raising power. The “Board” for this cooperative meets three times per year and simply approves the audit, expenditure statements, and budget.

Board of Education Representatives

ED-RED: Dan Seals 
ED-RED was established in the fall of 1971 by seven north suburban high school districts and has expanded to include 13 high school districts, 64 elementary school districts, 2 unit districts, 2 Special Education Cooperatives, and 3 Intermediate Service Centers in Cook and Lake Counties. Legislatively, ED-RED’s area includes all or part of 19 of the present 59 Senate districts and 30 of the 118 House districts. 

Parent-Teacher Council (PTC) Liaisons: Dorothy Elfring and Dr. Yoav Sharon
Requires attendance at one meeting per month. Board representatives share notes from this meeting with the Board.

Avoca Diverse Learners (ADL) Committee: Dr. Sumitrajit Dhar and Peter Yuh
Avoca Diverse Learners (ADL) is a PTC subcommittee. It functions as a support and resource group for parents and caregivers of children with IEPs/504s and with all needs, including ADD, ADHD, anxiety, autism, depression, and dyslexia. Members also include parents/caregivers of children who do not have a formal diagnosis

Community Dedicated to Inclusivity, Diversity, and Equity in Education [CommunIDEE]: Dr. Ami Desai Das and Dr. Sumitrajit Dhar
This is a PTC subcommittee dedicated to promoting inclusivity, diversity, and equity in our schools and community. This joint group of parents, teachers, administrators, board members are like-minded in their efforts to leverage the district’s diversity. This group explores the various dimensions of diversity and establishes programs that support and promote an inclusive and equitable community in which all individuals can participate.