Units of Study

Physical Education PHILOSOPHY

Avoca Physical Education Department believes in establishing a culture for learning, with an emphasis on cooperation, social-emotional learning, and moderate to vigorous physical activity. We strive to maintain an activity based program while teaching lifelong fitness, in a safe and enjoyable environmentWe give students the opportunity to monitor their own health through self-awareness and self-assessments. 

Physical Education STRUCTURE

Students participate in state and national standards-based coeducational physical education class five days a week.  Avoca West students meet 30 minutes each day. PE lessons are comprised of skill development, lead-up activities and games. Students are expected to know rules, procedures and terminology related to each sport or activity. Students will learn the principles and concepts required to maintain lifelong physical well being.



Students demonstrate their level of performance by:

  • demonstrating locomotor and Non Locomotor Movement

  • moving in self and general Space

  • discussing the benefits of being active

  • working collaboratively with peers in a variety of class environments (large and small groups)


Students demonstrate their level of performance by:

  • applying movement in self and general space in combination with other skills (ie dribbling a soccer ball)

  • exhibiting their degree of physical fitness on FitnessGram (national assessment)

  • exhibiting responsible behavior in student led settings

  • working collaboratively with peers in a variety of class environments (large and small groups)