Summer School

Review and Reinforcement Courses (R&R) are offered to selected students in grades K-7 through the District 39 Summer Enrichment Program. Based on winter benchmark assessment scores and classroom performance, students are recommended by their classroom teacher for the following course(s): R&R ELA, Math, and Both ELA + Math.

Courses will be held at McKenzie Elementary School (K-3) and Highcrest Middle School (Grades 4-7) from July 2 through July 31, 2025. No school on July 4). Each class meets for fifty (50) minutes of instruction each day, Monday through Friday, during the Summer Enrichment Program session. The R&R fee is $100 per class. 

Online registration will be open from February 18, 2025, through March 21, 2025. 

Classes are taught by certified staff, and class size is small. Instruction will focus on student needs and will include a focus on remediating skill deficits and increasing confidence and competence. Students participating in R&R are encouraged to attend the entire four-week session without interruption. Parent cooperation and support are essential for continuous student progress.

Summer Enrichment Program - Online Registration

Once the registration link is available, you must register your student(s) based on their current grade level during the 2024-2025 school year. You will be informed if your child(ren) have been recommended for R&R (Review & Reinforcement) classes within the next few weeks. R&R recommendations are made by teachers and are based on classroom performance, MAP scores, and curriculum-based measurements.

Period #1
Grades K-3: 8:30 – 9:20 a.m.
Grades 4-7: 8:40 – 9:30 a.m. 

Period #2

Grades K-3: 9:25 – 10:15 a.m. 
Grades 4 -7: 9:35 – 10:25 a.m. 

Period #3 
Grades K-3: 10:20 – 11:10 a.m.
Grades 4-7: 10:30 – 11:20 a.m.

District 39 also offers other fun enrichment classes for students. These classes are optional. Please refer to District 39’s summer enrichment program brochure for associated fees. 

Transportation details will be provided at a later time.