Mrs. Rachmiel
[email protected]

About Me:
I am the sixth grade math teacher. I have been teaching since 1997, and joined the Avoca School District in 2008. I received a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree through the University of Illinois, at Urbana-Champaign. I also hold a National Board teaching certificate. Currently, I pursing a Master's degree in Child at Adolescent Psychology at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology. I have been a presenter at the Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics, as well as the Metropolitan Math Club. I am also the middle school math coordinator. Currently, I live in Park Ridge with my husband, twin daughters, and a houseful of pets!
Statement of Philosophy:
Our goal is to ensure that every student experiences both the beauty and the utility of mathematics. We understand that some students may not see the beauty yet, and might need guidance to gain the appreciation for mathematics we want everyone to have.
We push students to ask questions to make connections and deepen their conceptual understanding in addition to improving their skill base. With this increased understanding, the students can realize that the mathematics truly makes sense. Daily, people use the power of mathematics to explain, explore, conjecture, test, and prove. The uses of mathematics are boundless. (
Math help is available most mornings at 7:30, Monday through Thursday at lunch, and after school by appointment