Intervention Support Team (IST) is a part of each grade level. It is the process in which individual or groups of students are identified for “problem solving”. “Problem Solving” is a model for identifying, analyzing, and developing plans for addressing any number of areas of concern. Supports for students that are developed through IST range from flexible grouping for reading support to individual interventions for behavioral support. Teachers will contact parents if there is an area of concern that a student exhibits and will be discussed with the IST team. Parents are an integral part of the process in analyzing the target areas, and the team welcomes parent input and participation in the process.
For information about our Intervention Support Teams and the Response to Intervention process, please follow the link below:
Intervention Support Team Information
Supports and strategies that have proven to be successful in student outcomes are documented and articulated to future receiving grade level teachers. In some cases, student skills are significantly discrepant from peers and require prolonged intervention support that is highly intensive and/or individualized in order to close the gap between a student and their peers. The IST process is structured to align with the Response to Intervention (RtI) model.
Response to Intervention (RtI) is the federally and state-mandated process for determining eligibility for Individual Education Plans (IEPs) through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 2004.
For the Illinois State Board of Education Parent’s Guide to Response to Intervention (RtI) please click on the link below:
Parent’s guide to RtI